Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sarah Palin for Vice President - You Decide!

Three days before Gov. Palin was announced by John McCain as his choice for VP, she came before her pastor to be annointed and prayed over for service to God. She didn't tell the church what was going on....just that she needed their prayer support. During the mere days since the announcement, the pastor and the church have been bombarded with questions from the media. They are trying to get the word out to Christians all over the nation to pray for God's protection of Sarah Palin and of their church. They suspect that the treatment of Jeremiah Wright will pale in comparison to what is coming their way as a conservative Christian body.

When the little Down's Syndrome baby of Todd and Sarah Palin was dedicated a few months ago, their statement to the congregation was "This little boy is my pro-life statement." According to David Pepper, Todd and Sarah are very strong in their faith in Jesus Christ and believe God has put them in this position to serve Him.

Let's remember to pray for Gov. Palin and her family as they walk through this very trying time!


Seed Sower Deb said...
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Seed Sower Deb said...

I have to admit I was taken back when Governor Palin was announced as Senator McCain's VP choice. However, knowing history, there have been many women who have lead countries and been very influential in the political decisions. Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and we cannot forget Ester, who was chosen "for such a time as this" to keep her people from being slaughtered.

If God be for you who can be against you.

I join with those in prayer for Governor Palin and her family and her church and community. God's plan and purpose ALWAYS prevails. Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases. Psalm 115:3